Avvocato Lorenzo Belvedere
Lawyer Lorenzo Belvedere


Born in Milan in 1992.


Graduated in Law from the University of Milan in 2018.

He obtained his qualification as a lawyer at the Milan Court of Appeal in 2021.

A member of the Milan Bar Association.






Professional experience

He has been a part of the firm’s team since 2018.

His professional journey has honed his skills in procedural assistance and extrajudicial advisory within the complex realm of economic criminal law. He exhibits a keen focus on corporate and financial criminal law, bankruptcy, tax matters, and environmental law nuances.

His proficiency also extends to delving into criminal liability of entities in relation to criminal offenses, aligning meticulously with the regulations laid out in Legislative Decree no. 231/2001.

Furthermore, his involvement extends to the realm of sports law, underlining his versatility in handling a diverse range of legal matters.

In line with his comprehensive approach, he undertakes the meticulous drafting and revision of Organization, Management, and Control Models, operating in strict accordance with the stipulations dictated by Legislative Decree no. 231/2001.

E-MAIL: lbelvedere@studiogiarda.it


It deals mainly with:
  • Corporate and bankruptcy criminal law;
  • Banking and financial market criminal law;
  • Criminal tax law;
  • Environmental criminal law;
  • Crimes against Public Administration;
  • Criminal liability of entities pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/2001;
  • Medical liability and offences against the person;
  • Sports criminal law;
  • Drafting and revision of Organisation, Management and Control Models pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/2001.