Prof. and Lawyer Angelo Giarda

Prof. and Lawyer Angelo Giarda
Born in Cassolnovo (PV) on June 1, 1940, Angelo Giarda completed his schooling at Benedetto Cairoli High School in Vigevano, graduating in June 1959. As an internal student at Ghislieri College in Pavia, he enrolled in the Faculty of Law at the University of Pavia from November 1959 until October 31, 1963. On this day, he achieved his Law degree with a perfect score of 110/110, graduating cum laude.
From 01/10/1967 to 31/03/1968, he served as an Assistant Professor in charge at the University of Pavia – Faculty of Law. From 01/04/1968 to 31/10/1981, he continued his role as an Assistant Professor of Criminal Procedure at the University of Pavia – Faculty of Law.
Between 01/11/1963 and 31/09/1967, he held a position at the University of Pavia – Faculty of Law as a Voluntary Assistant, benefiting from an annually renewed scholarship from the Ministry of Education and a complimentary residence at the Ghislieri College of Pavia.
Additionally, from 01/11/1972 to 25/01/1975, he took up a role at the University of Sassari – Faculty of Law as an Adjunct Professor of Criminal Procedure.
Subsequently, between 26/01/1975 and 31/10/1981, he assumed responsibilities at the University of Trieste – Faculty of Law as both an Adjunct Professor and, for a period, an Established Professor of Criminal Procedure.
From 01/11/1981 to 31/10/1983, he held a position at the University of Trieste – Faculty of Law as an Extraordinary Professor of Criminal Procedure. During this period, he became a tenured professor after winning the relevant competition.
Between 01/11/1983 and 31/10/2012, he was affiliated with the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan campus – Faculty of Law, where he served as a Full Professor of Criminal Procedure Law.
From the academic year 2002/2003 to the academic year 2006/2007, he conducted a six-month module of the Criminal Procedure Law Course at the Faculty of Law of the LIUC University of Castellanza.
Between 01/11/2007 and 31/10/2011, he held a position at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan campus – Faculty of Law, as an Adjunct Professor of Prison Law.
During the academic year 2012/2013, he was contracted to teach a six-month module of the Prison Law Course at the Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of Milan.
In recent years, he has actively collaborated in the teaching activities of the School of Specialisation for Legal Professions. This collaboration has also been scheduled for the 2016-2017 academic year, involving a commitment of 2 hours per year for the criminal procedural law 1st year and 4 hours per year for the criminal procedural law 2nd year.
He practiced law with the lawyer Giorgio Betassa of Vigevano. Until 1967 he occasionally practiced law as he was exclusively involved in university activities.
Since 1967 he has been registered with the Milan Bar Association and since then he has carried out an intense professional activity. In Milan he initially collaborated with tax law firms, dealing with criminal aspects. Subsequently, and until 1982, he was a member, and then President, of the Tax Commission. As a criminal lawyer, he had the opportunity to deal mainly with economic criminal law, environmental criminal law, criminal law on the prevention of accidents at work, crimes against the public administration and criminal law of banks and financial markets.
He has been serving as the Head and Lecturer for the Criminal Procedure Law course in the School of Specialisation for Legal Professions at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan since the 2001-2002 academic year.
He has been an Editor and a Member of the Scientific Committee for various journals, including: “Rivista italiana di diritto e procedura penale,” “La Giustizia penale,” “Indice penale,” and “Il Corriere del Merito.”
He was a Member of the De Nicola Commission of the National Centre for Prevention and Social Defence in Milan.
During the 14th Legislature, he served as a Member of the Criminal Code Reform Commission set up at the Ministry of Justice, which was chaired by Dr. Carlo Nordio. He was also a Member of the Commission for Reform of the Code of Criminal Procedure during the same Legislature. This commission was set up at the Ministry of Justice and chaired by Lawyer Prof. Antonio Dalia.
He is the author of numerous publications dedicated to studying the most significant aspects of criminal proceedings. He collaborated with Prof. Giorgio Spangher from La Sapienza University of Rome on a Commentary to the Code of Criminal Procedure, which has reached its 4th edition in three volumes (the first in 1997, the second from 2002-2004, the third from 2007, and the fourth from 2010).
He also worked with Prof. Giovanni Fiandaca from the University of Palermo to create an edition for both forensic and university use of the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code (Ed. IPSOA). This edition reached its 19th edition in 2015. Additionally, he collaborated with Prof. Giovanni Fiandaca on a minor edition of the same Code, which reached its 13th edition in 2015.
He collaborated with Prof. Giovanni Fiandaca, from the University of Palermo, on an edition intended for both forensic and university use of the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code (Ed. IPSOA). This edition reached its 19th edition in 2015. Furthermore, working with Prof. Giovanni Fiandaca, he also edited a condensed version of the same Code, which reached its 13th edition in 2015.
On July 25, 2011, he was appointed by the Minister of Justice, Angelino Alfano, as a Member of the Steering Committee of the Scuola Superiore della Magistratura. However, he had to relinquish this position due to unavoidable commitments.
He has presented numerous papers as part of refresher courses organized by the 9th Section of the Superior Council of the Magistracy and more recently by the Superior School of Magistracy. One of his lectures was titled “L’acquisizione della prova scientifica: forme, garanzie e divieti” (The acquisition of scientific evidence: forms, guarantees, and prohibitions). This lecture was held on February 6, 2013, at the school’s premises in Scandicci (FI).
Participation as a speaker in the “Programme Settimane Penali Giudicanti – Group A, Week 1,” which took place at Villa di Castel Pulci in Scandicci (Florence) on October 29, 2013. The topic of the presentation was “Tempo del Giudizio e prescrizione” (Time of Judgment and Limitation).
Participation as a Speaker in the course titled “Critical Nodes of Preliminary Investigations: the Management of Crime News, Place and Time.” The event was held at Villa di Castel Pulci in Scandicci (FI) on February 18, 2015. The presentation covered the topic of “Preliminary Investigations: the Model and Practices.”
A lecture lasting 5 hours was given for the preparatory course for enrollment in the special register for advocacy in the higher courts. The lecture focused on Article 606 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, specifically “I vizi della motivazione” (Defects in Reasoning). This lecture took place in Rome at La Sapienza University’s Aula Calasso on July 3, 2015.
Another lecture, lasting 5 hours, was delivered for the Course preparatory to registration in the special register for advocacy in the higher courts. The topic of this lecture was the administrative responsibility for offenses committed by Entities and the jurisdictional ascertainment before the criminal court. The event took place at the Department of Law of La Sapienza University in Rome on July 15, 2016.
Four monographic essays:
-La persona offesa dal reato nel processo penale, Milan, 1970;
-Avviso di procedimento e diritto di difesa, Milan, 1979;
-Persistendo ‘l reo nella negativa, Milan, 1980;
-Praxis criminalis, Cronache di anni inquieti, 1989-1993. Milan, 1994.
He edited [together with Prof. I. CARACCIOLI-A. LANZI] the following collective volume: 1) Diritto e procedura penale tributaria. Commentary to Legislative Decree No. 74 of 10 March 2000,
Padova, vol. I 1° ed., 1989, vol. II, 1° ed. Padova, 1994, 2° ed., Padova, 2001.
He also co-directed, alongside Professors Tonini and Spangher, the series published by CEDAM titled ‘Problemi Attuali della Giustizia Penale’ (Current Problems of Criminal Justice). Some volumes in this series are dedicated to the exploration of new domestic and supranational laws, while other volumes, forming a sub-collection now totaling 55, focus on contemporary subjects of significant scientific and operational interest. Over the years, he has authored a multitude of publications.