Avvocato Pia D'Andrea
Lawyer Pia D’Andrea


Born in Atripalda (AV) in 1978.


After completing her classical studies, she graduated in Law from the University of Milan in 2004.

Subsequently, she obtained the Degree from the School of Specialization in Legal Professions at the same university in 2006.

She officially qualified as a lawyer at the Milan Court of Appeal in 2007 and is a proud member of the Milan Bar Association.

Court of Cassation lawyer since 2020.



Professional experience

She has been an integral part of the firm since 2007, offering both judicial and extrajudicial legal support to individuals and entities of public, mixed, and private nature within the realm of criminal law and criminal procedural law.

Her expertise encompasses a range of domains including corporate, tax, bankruptcy, and financial market criminal law. She also specializes in criminal law concerning public administration, medical malpractice, workplace health and safety, as well as intentional property damage and endangerment, environmental offenses, and computer security breaches.

Her extensive experience extends to Criminal Liability of Entities as outlined by Legislative Decree 231/2001. This experience spans extrajudicial contexts and includes providing assistance and legal defense for companies facing charges of administrative misconduct within criminal proceedings. Notably, she has focused on entities operating in the oil & gas sector, in addition to companies listed on the Stock Exchange and subject to the oversight of Supervisory Authorities.

Furthermore, she has been involved in numerous cases involving both domestic and international corruption, market manipulation, and false corporate communications, including those pertaining to international accounting standards. Additionally, she has addressed violations related to gas excise duties. Noteworthy is her past position as a member of the Board of Directors of a publicly traded joint-stock company.


E-MAIL: pdandrea@studiogiarda.it


It deals mainly with:
  • Corporate and bankruptcy criminal law;
  • Banking and financial market criminal law;
  • Criminal tax law;
  • Environmental criminal law;
  • Crimes against Public Administration;
  • Criminal liability of entities pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/2001;
  • Safety and health offences in the workplace;
  • Cybercrime;
  • Urban planning offences;
  • Medical liability and offences against the person.