Avvocato Francesca Bacis
Lawyer Francesca Bacis


Born in Milan in 1991.


Graduated with honors in Law from the University of Milan in 2016.

She obtained her qualification as a lawyer at the Milan Court of Appeal in 2018.

A member of the Milan Bar Association.






Professional experience

She joined the firm in 2022, following years of experience at prominent law firms in Milan specializing in criminal law.

Over the course of her professional journey, she has amassed judicial and extrajudicial expertise in corporate criminal law, extending her assistance to both individuals and legal entities, on a national and international scale. Her range of expertise covers various areas, including handling criminal liability matters according to Legislative Decree no. 231/2001, offenses against Public Administration, environmental violations, corporate and bankruptcy criminal law, banking and financial market criminal law, tax offenses, building abuses, and cybercrime.

Moreover, she actively contributes to the formulation of compliance opinions and the creation as well as draft and revision of Organization, Management, and Control Models in accordance with Legislative Decree no. 231/2001. Her skillset also encompasses conducting internal investigations and participating in numerous due diligence processes during corporate transactions.

Notably, she is a member of the Women’s White Collar Defense Association, further highlighting her engagement within the legal community.


LANGUAGES: English and spanish

It deals mainly with:
  • Corporate and bankruptcy criminal law;
  • Banking and financial market criminal law;
  • Criminal tax law;
  • Environmental criminal law;
  • Crimes against Public Administration;
  • Criminal liability of entities pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/2001;
  • Cybercrime;
  • Drafting and revision of Organisation, Management and Control Models pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/2001.